The main purpose of the Animal Facility of the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas(CIB Margarita Salas) is to produce and maintain the animals required for the different research lines carried out by scientists in our Centre. The Animal Facility is designed to house mainly experimental animal species like mice.


The animal facilities occupies an area of 450 m2, divided into different areas:

  • Barrier area: husbandry is carried out under Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) conditions. Microbiological quality is ensured quarterly through the application of health surveillance program following FELASA recommendations. All work is performed by highly qualified personnel under sterile conditions.
  • Experimental area: zone free of specific pathogens, where researchers have acces to carry out experimental procedures. It is composed by housing areas for animals and two fully equipped laboratories.
  • Quarantine area: physically issolated area, where animals with improper or undefined microbiological profile are housed. Its access is restricted and all personnel must pass 48h of quarantine after the work in this area, before being able to work in the rest of animal facility zones.


Services provided in the Animal Facility

  • Production and maintenance of animals. Production of wild and genetically modified strains, including sample collection for genotyping, breeding and assessment of animal welfare.
  • Provision of females with known gestation date.
  • Procedures of parenteral and enteral inoculation by different routs of administration and sample extraction of interest in research, as well as necropsies.
  • Surgical procedures included in different research fields.
  • Serological and parasitological monitoring of housed animals.
  • Rederivation of  murine strains and freezing/thawing of mouse embryos.
  • Advise on experimental design in projects and procedures.



The Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas (CIB Margarita Salas-CSIC) joined the Acuerdo de Transparencia en Experimentación Animal, promoted by Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España (COSCE) with the colaboration of the Asociación Europea para la Investigación Animal (EARA).

Institutional announcement on the use of experimental animals in the CIB Margarita Salas.

Visit our Animal Facility            

Animal used for scientific purposes at CIB 2022

Culture of Care at CIB: survey 2021



Annual Report COSCE 2023 

Video Jornada BOARD2023

Calculation number of breedings

June 16 2022, day BOARD2022 of EARA. Examples of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement.

Animal experimentation in Biomedicine

Release from the COSCE Commission for the Study of the Use of Animals in Scientific Research.

The continued need for animals to advance brain research. Homberg JR et al. Neuron 2021.

CCCB, talks about "The future of animal rights. Reflections from the university".



Transparency agreement on the use of experimental animals in Spain.




Request form 

Rates 2024


Required documentation for the evaluation conducted by the authority responsible for projects and proceedings using animals for experimentation


Document 1 Project Proposal

Document 4 Project Evaluation Request

Document 5 Non-Technical Abstract


Instructions for filling out bioethics/biosecurity assessment applications

Instrucciones CIB solicitudes evaluación OMGs


More Info

E-mail address




Search for alternative methods to animal experimentation




Oficial Website of European Union-Animals in Scientific Research






Search for transgenic mouse strains



