Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator Network Service (ESFRI)

The general objective of the IBISBA Service is to provide advanced design and manufacturing tools to researchers from both public and private entities, in order to accelerate the development of industrial biotechnology throughout the European Union. IBISBA's nodal services provide access to a network of top-level research infrastructures that can provide a coordinated, satisfactory and efficient solution to any biotechnological process within the so-called DBTL cycle (Design-Built-Test-Learn).

The Spanish IBISBA node is constituted by the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and by two institutes from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the Center for Biological Research (CIB) and the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB), which constitute the CSIC node.




Two types of services are offered at the CSIC node:

A.- Systems biology service for the in silico design of genome-scale metabolic models from microorganisms
The CSIC node through CNB institute offers the possibility of developing genome-scale metabolic models of microorganisms and microbial communities. These mathematical models are excellent computational test benches for the analysis and identification of metabolic bottlenecks, being very useful for improving the efficiency of biotechnological processes. The models are excellent computational platforms for the in silico design of strains and / or synthetic communities with improved biotechnological capabilities, allowing the simulation of gene insertions or deletions to increase the metabolic flows towards the synthesis of compounds of industrial interest.

B.- In vivo design service of microorganisms of industrial interest through genetic and metabolic engineering
The CSIC node through CIB institute offers the possibility of developing microbial chassis of industrial interest, whether bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, Mycobactrium smegmatis, Corynecaterium glutamicum, etc.) or fungi (Pichia pastoris, Sacharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus nidulans, etc.), applying genetic and metabolic engineering tools.

The service is structured in four levels:

1.- Consulting and integral design
Advice is offered on the improvement of microbial strains with industrial interest. Clients can outline a problem about the development of an industrial process and the node team commits to study the problem and offer a dossier with possible R&D actions to solve it.

Cost of the service: According to hours used for consulting (IBISBA_Rates)

2.- Construction of strains as biofactories
The CSIC node offers the possibility of generating on-demand microorganisms for the biotechnological production of compounds of industrial interest through genetic modification technologies. An integral design of the producing organism is offered, generally after a previous consultancy, based on the knowledge of its metabolism supported by metabolic models.
The produced compounds can range from low molecular weight metabolites, polymers (PHAs, carbohydrates, etc.), to enzymes, etc.
Microbial chassis that will act as biofactories can be developed on-demand or selected from already well-known chassis (bacteria or fungi).
Targeted or random genetic modification tools and technologies are provided, with the possibility of subsequent selection using Adaptive Laboratory Evolution (ALE) techniques.

Cost of the service: According to project (consulting + construction)

3.- Test of producing microorganisms
The CSIC node offers to test the fermentation conditions for the producing microorganisms within the laboratory-scale, as well as the production, extraction and purification of the compounds of industrial interest, generally after previous consulting. 
An optimized culture medium and a standardized operating procedure for fermentation production of the compound of interest in flasks or in small volume bioreactors (1-5 L) will be provided.
An analytical method will be determined for the quantification of the compound of interest based on different techniques (HPLC-MS, GC-MS, NMR, etc.), including complete protein characterization.
A method for the extraction and purification of the compound of interest that can later be scaled to the industrial level will be determined.

Cost of the service: Depending on the project (consulting + test) or (consulting + construction + test).

4.- Development of biotransformation processes with biocatalysts
The CSIC node offers the possibility of developing biotechnological processes for the production of compounds of interest based on biotransformation reactions.
These processes, usually after previous consulting, will be based on the use of isolated enzymes (immobilized or free) or in the use of resting cells.
It is offered the possibility of developing biocatalysts on demand through techniques of metabolic engineering (resting cells) and protein engineering (isolated catalysts) using the previous consulting, design and test services.
To complement and assist the protein engineering process and the design of catalysts, combined bioinformatics, crystallography, and/or biophysics services are offered. The production tests will be carried out on a laboratory scale in flasks, 80 ml mini-reactors, or in small-volume bioreactors (1-5 L).
An analytical method will be determined for the quantification of the compound of interest based on different techniques (HPLC-MS, GC-MS, NMR, etc.).
A method will be determined for the extraction and purification of the compound of interest that can later be scaled to the industrial level.

Cost of the service: According to the project (consulting + construction + test).




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