Group Leader/s

Head of lab


My laboratory currently has three major research goals:

  1. To understand the role of mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAM) in the overall lipid homeostasis of neurons.
  2. To understand whether perturbations in mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAM) and lipid signaling underlie synaptic dysfunction and/or neuronal death in various disorders, including Alzheimer's disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
  3. To identify lipid biomarkers that either segregate with or predict clinical outcomes of neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Down syndrome.

To tackle these fundamental questions, my lab employs multidisciplinary approaches, which range from molecular and cell biology, protein, and lipid biochemistry (including state-of-the-art ‘lipidomics’-based approaches) to mouse genetics and behavioral assessments of genetically-modified mice.


In the last decade, our concept of cell architecture has progressively changed, from the classic image where the different organelles were floating independently in the cytosol, to a cell where all the organelles interact with each other, forming functional contact sites. in membranes [3]. These membrane-to-membrane contacts are proposed in the field as a form of communication between different organelles and with previously unsuspected relevance to cell function. For example, functions such as the  calcium transport, the regulation of lipid synthesis and transport or the formation of autophagosomes are located in areas of contact between organelles such as the ER, mitochondria, Golgi or peroxisomes [3].

One of the most studied interactions in the field is what happens between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria, whose contact results in the formation of cholesterol-rich domains (or lipid-rafts) in the ER, called MAMs (mitochondria associated membranes).


Among other functions, MAM has been related to the synthesis of phospholipids, cholesterol transport and regulation of glucose metabolism and calcium transport [5-8].

The study of the role of MAM in cell regulation has expanded remarkably in the last 5 years with numerous works focused on the study of the protein composition of MAM or the generation of genetic tools to induce  union of both organelles [9]. On the other hand, the role of MAM in metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases such as diabetes or Alzheimer's disease (ALZ) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), has aroused new interest in the field [11,12].

My work as a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Dr. Schon at Columbia University was one of the first to link defects in MAM regulation and ER-mitochondrial contacts in ALZ [13-15]. Continuing my laboratory's line of research, my objective is to focus on the cause and consequences of MAM regulation defects, as well as the impact of lipid alterations on neuronal and inflammatory function in the context of neurodegenerative diseases such as ALZ and ALS.

  1. Pera, M., et al., Increased localization of APP-C99 in mitochondria-associated ER membranes causes mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer disease. EMBO J, 2017. 36(22): p. 3356-3371.
  2. Montesinos, J., et al., The Alzheimer's disease-associated C99 fragment of APP regulates cellular cholesterol trafficking. EMBO J, 2020: p. e103791.
  3. Scorrano, L., et al., Coming together to define membrane contact sites. Nat Com., 2019. 10(1): p. 1287.
  4. Marquer, C., et al., Increasing membrane cholesterol of neurons in culture recapitulates Alzheimer's disease early phenotypes. Mol Neurodegener, 2014. 9: p. 60.
  5. Herrera-Cruz, M.S. and T. Simmen, Over Six Decades of Discovery and Characterization of the Architecture at Mitochondria-Associated Membranes (MAMs). Adv Exp Med Biol, 2017. 997: p13-31.
  6. Herrera-Cruz, M.S. and T. Simmen, Of yeast, mice and men: MAMs come in two flavors. Biol Direct, 2017. 12(1): p. 3.
  7. Raturi, A. and T. Simmen, Where the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondrion tie the knot: the mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM). Biochim Biophys Acta, 2013. 1833(1): p. 213-24.
  8. Rieusset, J., Mitochondria-associated membranes (MAMs): An emerging platform connecting energy and immune sensing to metabolic flexibility. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2018. 500(1): p. 35-44.
  9. Hung, V., et al., Proteomic mapping of cytosol-facing outer mitochondrial and ER membranes in living human cells by proximity biotinylation. Elife, 2017. 6.
  10. Xia, M., et al., Communication between mitochondria and other organelles: a brand-new perspective on mitochondria in cancer. Cell Biosci, 2019. 9: p. 27.
  11. Area-Gomez, E. and E.A. Schon, Mitochondria-associated ER membranes and Alzheimer disease. Curr Opin Genet Dev, 2016. 38: p. 90-96.
  12. Watanabe, S., et al., Mitochondria-associated membrane collapse is a common pathomechanism in SIGMAR1- and SOD1-linked ALS. EMBO Mol Med, 2016. 8(12): p. 1421-1437.
  13. Area-Gomez, E., et al., Presenilins are enriched in endoplasmic reticulum membranes associated with mitochondria. Am J Pathol, 2009. 175(5): p. 1810-6.
  14. Area-Gomez, E., et al., Upregulated function of mitochondria-associated ER membranes in Alzheimer disease. EMBO J, 2012. 31(21): p. 4106-23.
  15. Schon, E.A. and E. Area-Gomez, Is Alzheimer's disease a disorder of mitochondria-associated membranes? J Alzheimers Dis, 2010. 20 Suppl 2: p. S281-92.


Staff Scientists
Estela Area Gomez
Juan de la Cierva-Inc Researcher
Jorge Montesinos Selfa
Nuria Gomez Lopez
Elvira Arroyo Garcia
Predoctoral Students
Monica Mª Uceda Gonzalez
Taekyung Daniel Yun


Proyectos Actuales


Generación de Conocimiento 2021.
PID2021-126818NB-I00. 235532. Regulation of mitochondria-associated membranes by the C99aa c-terminal domain of the amyloid precursor protein: relevance for Alzheimer’s Disease

  • IP: E. Area Gomez
  • Entidad: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
  • Fecha de inicio y finalización: Sept 22-Agt 2025

Phospolipidomic of Astrocytes Microvesicles in AD Brains of Humans and Mouse Models: Lighting Taupathogenesis, Autophagy and New biomarkers.

  • IP: Gloria Patricia Cardona Gomez
  • Entidad: Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia.
  • Fecha de inicio y finalización: 07/01/20-06/30/25

Differential neuronal susceptibility as an avenue toward disease-modifying therapy for Parkinson.

  • IP: Area-Gomez, Estela
  • Entidad: Parkinson’s disease Fundation.
  • Fecha de inicio y finalización: 07/01/19-06/30/24

Proyecto Intramural (CSIC)
Ref. 202220E087 Autofagia y membranas asociadas a mitocondrias (MAMs).

  • IP. E. Area Gomez.
  • Fecha de inicio y finalizacion: Sept 22-Agt 2023.

Analysis of the lipid composition of plasma from ALS patients.

  • IP: Area-Gomez, Estela
  • Entidad: Project ALS Therapeutics Core.
  • Fecha de inicio y finalización: 07/01/19-06/30/23.


Proyectos Anteriores


  1. NIH R01 AG056387-01 : Role of C99 in the regulation of lipid metabolism- Relevance to Alzheimer's disease.
    • IP: Area-Gomez, Estela
    • Entidad: NIH. National Institutes of Health
    • Fecha de inicio y finalización: 09/01/17-08/30/22.
  2. Role of mitochondria-ER membranes alteration in the pathogenesis of ALS.
    • IP: Area-Gomez, Estela
    • Entidad: Target ALS
    • Fecha de inicio y finalización: 04/01/19-03/31/22.
  3. Analysis of the lipid composition of plasma from Alzheimer’s patients.
    • IP: Area-Gomez, Estela
    • Entidad: IP group venture capitalists.
    • Fecha de inicio y finalización: 01/01/18-05/31/21

More info

Presentaciones en congresos por invitación (desde2017)
2023 Workshop on MCS in Biology and Disease. Baeza, España (Nov.2023)
2020 UMDF Mitochondrial medicine. Phoenix, U.S (cancelada hasta el 2021)
2020 FASEB "Phospholipid dynamics in health and disease". Colorado, U.S (Cancelada hasta el 2021)
2020 New York Academy of Sciences "Mitochondria in Complex disorders". New York, U.S (online)
2020 Alzheimer's research UK meeting. Wales (cancelada hasta el 2021)
2019 International Academy of Neurobiology. Dubai
2019 SEBC Sociedad Española de Biología Celular. Badajoz.
2019 International PLS Conference in Primary Lateral Sclerosis. Philadelphia.
2018 China Circle meeting. Clinical Nutrition in China: "Novel approaches for the next decades". Shangai y Beijing.
2018 EMBO Conference. Membrane contact sites in health and disease. Suiza. (Septiembre)
2017 FASEB conference. Mitochondrial biogenesis and dynamics in health and disease. West Palm Beach, Florida.


Experiencia docente
2019-2022 Miembro del Comité de selección del programa de doctorado en Metabolismo Celular, Columbia University.
Desde 2016 Miembro del tribunal de más de 10 tesis doctorales en activo.
Desde 2013 Mentora y Co-mentora de 4 tesis doctorales en activo.
Desde 2013 Mentora y Co-mentora de 5 postdoctorales.
2013-2022 Profesora del programa de doctorado en Metabolismo Celular. Columbia University.


Desde 2019 Editora de la revista Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Desde 2017 Revisora científica para el NIH "Emphasis panel National Institute of Aging"
Desde 2017 Revisora científica para el NIH "Neural Oxidative Metabolism, Mitochondria and cell death"
Desde 2017 Revisora científica de la Alzheimer's Association (EMBO J., Ann of Neuro., J. of Neuros., etc)
Desde 2010 Miembro de la Sociedad de Neurociencia.