
FUELPHORIA is an EU-funded innovation action project working to establish sustainable, competitive and secure value chains for advanced biofuels and renewable non-biofuels.

The European Commission's REPowerEU Plan recently highlighted the "need to increase renewable energy, achieve electrification and replace heat and fossil fuels in industry, buildings and the transport sector."

The review of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) II aims to increase the energy mandate for advanced biofuels to 2.2% of transport energy, as well as a new energy mandate of 2.6% for non-source renewable fuels. biological (RFNBO).

Advanced biofuels and RFNBOs offer great benefits in terms of GHG reduction and fossil fuel substitution, ultimately supporting the path to zero carbon envisioned by the European Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. However, there are concerns about its general sustainability and the insecurity of the value chain.

The objective of FUELPHORIA is to demonstrate the establishment of complete sustainable value chains for advanced biofuels and RFNBO to provide Europe with sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply schemes.
