Group Leader/s



The dynamism and plasticity of energy metabolism is key to cellular homeostasis. Changes in metabolic processes are essential for a correct cellular function but also the basis of several pathologies. Its high relevance as a pharmacological target has emerged as a biomedical discipline in the intervention not only in chronic metabolic diseases but also in the potential correction of metabolic anomalies that are in the etiology of oncological and infectious diseases. The group focuses its research on the characterization of alterations in cellular energy metabolism due to infections, particularly by Leishmania parasites, and pathologies such as cancer. The signalling pathways involved are analyzed to identify new drug targets, working on the design and characterization of new molecules, as well as on the repositioning of existing drugs. The group also investigates the use of the energy metabolism of Leishmania as a pharmacological target, a pathogen in which the group has a long research trajectory.

Summary research lines




“Energy metabolism in the leishmania-macrophage interface: rationale for therapy intervention”. MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER under grant PID2019-108166GB-I00.

“Warburg rewiring triggered by coronavirus infection in the host cell: strategy for drug intervention” CSIC PTI Global Health (CSIC-COV19-110) (cofunded FEDER)

“Cooperative Research Network on Tropical Diseases (RICET)” Carlos III Health Institute (RETICS 2016 - RD16/0027/0010) (cofunded FEDER)

“Redox Biology and Medicine Research Network” Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Red2018‐102576‐T) (cofunded FEDER)

“Bioenergetics characterization of human granulosa cells” Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad (Madrid, Spain)

“Optimization of the therapeutic potential of leishmania protein kinases (PKs). Discovery of specific inhibitory drugs of the parasite PKs”. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF2015-65740-R) (cofunded FEDER)

“New electroanalytical multiplexing platforms for the detection and prognosis of neoplastic diseases by means of liquid biopsies” Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTQ2015-64402-C2-2-R) (cofunded FEDER)


More info

Recent Ph.D. Thesis

Daniela Saraiva Correa. Study of the bioenergetic alterations induced by synthetic compounds in Leishmania spp,Sao Paolo State University August, 2014. Co-supervised with Prof. André Gustavo Tempone.

María Fernández-Reyes Silvestre. Molecular basis for the activity and resistance of membrane-active peptides in prokaryotes. Their comparison with Leishmania as eukaryotic model Complutense University of Madrid June 2010.

Juan Román Luque-Ortega. The energetic metabolisms in Leishmania as target for new leishmanicidal molecules . Complutense University of Madrid . June 2008
