The NanoBioCargo consortium emerges as an evolution of the research developed in the last twelve years by the previous consortiums NANOBIO-M (S-0505 / MAT / 0283), NOBIMAT-M (S2009MAT-1507) and NANOBIOSOMA (S2013 / MIT-2807), integrated by a series of research groups from the Community of Madrid (CM) interested in the development of new nanotechnologies and new bioinspired materials.
Using a "bottom-up" approach, these previous research activities have allowed to explore the capacity of assembly, manipulation, and modification at the nanoscale and in a controllable manner, of the essential physical-chemical properties of a series of nanobiomaterials and self-organized nanosystems. This previous research has allowed the consortium to select a collection of nanostructures whose assembly, manipulation and characterization are mastered, and which have properties susceptible of application and technological development. The role of POLYBIO group in this project is the development of technology for the vehiculization and delivery of antimicrobial agents by advanced materials. The functionalization of natural polymers allows an improvement of their structural diversity and modifies their mechanical and structural properties, and therefore, enhances the variety of potential applications. One of the most important challenges at the biotechnological level is the obtaining of functionalized biocompatible materials, which allow the immobilization of proteins or other molecules with antimicrobial activity, for their use in biomedicine, with the aim of prevent and treat microbial infections.
The group collaborates in NanoBioCargo with Dr. Pedro García from the Host-parasite interplay in pneumococcal infection of the CIB-MS in the functionalization of nanoparticles with fagic origin enzybiotics.