Group Leader/s



The development of medications is a highly complex and costly process, considered one of the most challenging within the industrial sphere. Bringing a medication to market involves, on average, an investment of $2 billion and a period of between 12 and 14 years, with a high failure rate (around 90%).

Therefore, it is necessary to develop and employ strategies to streamline this process, such as cheminformatics, drug repositioning, and artificial intelligence.

The goal of the Computational Intelligence Group for Drug Development in Biomedicine is to apply various computational strategies for both the identification and optimization of new drugs, as well as to study drug-like properties.

From the outset, we have sought to integrate technology and science to advance the drug development process, which ultimately led us to found a spin-off, AItenea Biotech, which applies the power of AI and Chemistry to help accelerate the development process of new molecules.





Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable Development Goals (EU264670_13). HORIZON-MSCA-2022-COFUND-01 (European Commission). EUROPEAID. 01/01/2024-31/12/2028. PI-CIB: Dr. Nuria E. Campillo.

De novo design through AI and synthesis of modulators of protein-protein interaction targeting NCS-1 (PID2022-137331OB-C33). 09-2023 To: 08-2026. PI: Dr. Nuria E. Campillo (Knowledge Generation Projects 2022 Coordinated Research Type).

Development of an artificial intelligence-based framework to accelerate drug development (TED2021-129970B-C21). AEI, Strategic Projects oriented to ecological and digital transition 2021. 12-2022/11-2024. PI: Dr. Nuria E. Campillo.

Development of theoretical models to identify allosteric sites. R&D Contract AItenea Biotech. 01/11/2023_01/05/2024. PI: Dr. Nuria E. Campillo.

CSIC Global Health Platform (PTI Global Health). WP4 (Mutations), WP9 (Antivirals), and WP11 (Integration). European Commission - NextGenerationEU (EU Regulation 2020/2094). 2021-2023. Coordinators: Drs. Margarita del Val and Iñaki Comas.

Modulation of the cannabinoid receptor CB2 as a new therapeutic strategy to protect against Tau-induced neurodegeneration. Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán El Bueno Foundation. 2021-2023. PI: Dr. Isabel Lastres.

Combination of computational, biological, and synthetic strategies with application to drug development (RTI2018-096100B-100). MINECO, RETOS Program. 1-2019/9-2022. PI: Dr. Nuria E. Campillo.


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