Group Leader/s

Head of lab


The bottom-line of our work is to understand the mechanisms involved in gene regulation and gene transfer in Gram-positive bacteria. From a holistic point of view, these mechanisms contribute to evolutionary processes that increase the adaptation of bacteria to new niches. Known examples are provided by opportunistic Gram-positive bacteria that turn from a commensally lifestyle to an infective situation. In our case, the bacteria under study are Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) and Enterococcus faecalis. The former colonizes the nasopharynx of up to 80% of ‘healthy’ individuals. However, after invasion of new niches, like the lungs, pneumococcus becomes virulent, leading to a high toll in human lives, especially elderly population and children below 5 years. E. faecalis is a ‘respected’ member of the human gut microbiome that can become pathogenic under immunological deprivation. The infectious processes caused by both bacteria involve genetic switches that lead from activation to repression (and vice versa) of a number of operons. One of our main goals is to study basic components of these genetic switches. Further, the mobilome of these bacteria contributes to the acquisition of novel traits, such as antibiotic resistances, that facilitate the successful adaptation to environmental challenges. Finally, participation of toxin-antitoxin operons in biofilm formation or in the uptake of free DNA from the fellow bacteria also contributes to the colonization of new niches.



Staff Scientists
Alicia Bravo García
Ad Honorem
Manuel Espinosa Padrón
Team image

Solano-Collado V, Lurz R, Espinosa M, Bravo A  [2013]. The pneumococcal MgaSpn virulence transcriptional regulator generates multimeric complexes on linear double-stranded DNA. Nucleic Acids Res 41: 6975–6991.



2020-2024. PID2019-104553RB-C21. Ministry of Science and Innovation. P.I.: A. Bravo.

2017-2020. BIO2016-76412-C2-2-R. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. P.I.: A. Bravo.

2015-2017. BIO2015-69085-REDC. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Coordinator: A. Juárez.

2014-2016. BIO2013-49148-C2-2-R. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. P.I.: A. Bravo.

2013-2015. CSIC-PIE-201320E028. P.I.: A. Bravo.

2010-2013. BFU2009-11868 (BMC). Ministry of Science and Innovation. P.I.: A. Bravo.

2009. CCG08-CSIC/SAL-3694. Autonomous Community of Madrid-CSIC. P.I.: A. Bravo.

2008-2015. CSD2008-00013 (CONSOLIDER INTERMODS). Ministry of Science and Innovation. Coordinator: M. Espinosa.


More info


Bravo, A. and Espinosa, M. (2024). The One Earth Series.

Chapter I. Finding Balance: The Harmony Between Humans and Bacteria.

Chapter II. The Battle for Balance: Humans Meet ´Superbugs’.

Chapter III. Maintaining the Equilibrium.

Chapter IV. The Need for a Symbiotic Relationship.

Bravo, A., Moreno-Blanco, A. and Espinosa, M. (2023). Resistome, Mobilome and Nichome. Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. MPDI Encyclopedia.


Yeo, C.C.; Espinosa, M. and Venkova, T. (2021). Topic Editors. Frontiers Open Access E-books. Prokaryotic Communications: From Macromolecular Interdomain to Intercellular Talks (Recognition) and Beyond. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88966-850-2.


Ana Moreno-Blanco, 2020. Characterization of two transcriptional activators: MafR of Enterococcus faecalis and MgaP of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Biological Sciences. Supervisor: A. Bravo.

Sofía Ruiz-Cruz, European Mention, 2015. Molecular characterization of an Enterococcus faecalis transcriptional regulator of the Mga/AtxA family. Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Biological Sciences. Supervisor: A. Bravo.

Cris Fernández-López, European Mention, 2015. Conjugative relaxases of the MOBV family. Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Supervisors: L. F. Lorenzo and M. Espinosa.

Virtu Solano-Collado, European Mention, 2014. Molecular characterization of the MgaSpn transcriptional regulator of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Biological Sciences. Supervisor: A. Bravo.

Inmaculada Moreno-Córdoba, European Mention, 2013. Characterization of the toxin-antitoxin system RelBE2 of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Biological Sciences. Supervisors: C. Nieto and M. Espinosa.


M. Espinosa: EMBO member since 1996.

M. Espinosa: Co-editor in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (2022). Editorial: Prokaryotic Communications, Volume II: From Macromolecular Interdomain to Intercellular Talks (Recognition) and Beyond.

M. Espinosa: Co-editor in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (2019-2020).  Prokaryotic Communications: From Macromolecular Interdomain to Intercellular Talks (Recognition) and Beyond.

M. Espinosa: Co-editor in Frontiers in Microbiology (2017-2018). The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Multiple Roles of Bacteria in Human Life.

A. Bravo: Member of the Scientific Committee in the 12th European Meeting on the Molecular Biology of the Pneumococcus. 2015, Oxford, UK

M. Espinosa: President of the International Society of Plasmid Biology, 2012-2014.